Demex Daily #10: $AAVE Aave v3 Fork Introduces Decentralized Liquidity on Base Network

What’s Interesting Today:

Ava Labs is currently running trials for its new HyperSDK upgrade on the Avalanche network and has recorded an impressive 143,322 transactions per second (TPS) in a managed test setting. These figures notably outperform the current TPS capacities of Avalanche, Solana, and Ethereum. HyperSDK enables developers to effortlessly build high-efficiency Virtual Machines (VMs) without the need for elaborate coding. The technology aims to make the development of custom VMs and specialized blockchains faster and easier. Although still in its preliminary beta phase, HyperSDK is slated to be ready for full-scale deployment by year's end. Nick Mussallem, the company's head of product, estimates that the system's real-world transaction rate will likely stabilize at around 50,000 TPS, while also maintaining a well-rounded focus on decentralization, scalability, and security.

A collaboration among DeFi developers from Seashell, RNG Labs, and Loreum Labs, along with advisers from Ampleforth, Uniswap and other projects, has launched Seamless Protocol on the layer-2 network Base. This protocol is a fork of Aave v3 and allows for non-custodial liquidity markets. It enables smart contracts with pre-set borrowing strategies to conduct undercollateralized borrowing directly on-chain. Unlike existing solutions that combine off-chain and on-chain activities, Seamless Protocol makes the entire process on-chain, providing transparency for liquidity providers. The protocol also supports general-purpose loans but requires them to be overcollateralized, following standard DeFi lending practices. Seamless argues that its approach is more aligned with DeFi principles than systems relying on on-chain reputation scores or identities.