Demex Daily #46: $AAVE Aave Stabilizes GHO Stablecoin with Maverick Protocol and Incentives

What’s Interesting Today:

The Starknet Foundation has set aside 50 million locked STRK tokens to reward its early supporters, even though these tokens won't be available for trading until April 2024. Built on Ethereum, Starknet is a Layer-2 blockchain network focused on enhancing scalability and reducing operational costs. To honor key contributors who have helped build the community, the Foundation has initiated the Early Community Member Program (ECMP). This program is aimed at acknowledging people who have engaged in meaningful discussions, spearheaded events, or generated content centered on Starknet. Out of the original 10 billion STRK tokens created by StarkWare, 50.1% were allocated to the Starknet Foundation, with 32.9% earmarked for community contributors and 17% for investors. The Foundation's objective with the ECMP is to sustain and expand its community. Currently, Starknet is ranked sixth among Ethereum’s Layer-2 platforms, holding $137 million in deposits. The public release of STRK tokens has been delayed from its initial date of November 29, 2023, to April 15, 2024.

Aave's GHO stablecoin has been trading below its target peg of $1. To address this, TokenBrice, a member of Aave's Liquidity Committee, revealed a plan to use Maverick Protocol and other DeFi platforms to actively manage GHO's liquidity and guide it back to its peg. Maverick Protocol's static pools will be used to set up buy/sell walls to help stabilize the GHO price. A contributing factor to GHO's price discrepancy is its unadjustable interest rate, which creates an arbitrage opportunity and makes GHO less appealing compared to other stablecoins. Aave is considering new initiatives, such as adding wGHO as collateral and providing staking options, to incentivize holding GHO and help restore its peg to $1. TokenBrice has been appointed to lead these efforts with a target price of $0.985 for GHO by November 30.