Demex Daily #171: Fleek and Polygon Labs Redefine Cloud Services

What’s Interesting Today:

Fleek, an on-chain cloud platform, has partnered with Polygon Labs to develop high-performance, permissionless web services using Fleek's new cloud infrastructure designed for Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK) projects. Fleek's Edge Functions testnet introduces CDN and JavaScript Runtime services. This collaboration aims to provide decentralized, efficient, and cost-effective cloud solutions to overcome the high costs and restrictions associated with traditional corporate cloud platforms like AWS. Fleek claims its approach reduces cloud costs by 75%-80% and improves performance, with tests showing faster response times compared to AWS and Vercel Serverless. Polygon CDK supports various blockchain projects, and this partnership looks to enhance cloud infrastructure and services for developers across industries.

Avalanche has partnered with Blockaid to integrate Blockaid's security features into its Core wallet to enhance protections against sophisticated phishing scams and hacks in decentralized finance. The integration prescreens transactions using Blockaid’s database of known threats, alerting users to potential dangers before transactions are finalized. This integration is part of a broader initiative to bolster security without sacrificing user experience, as emphasized by Akash Gupta from Ava Labs. Despite the system’s tendency to generate false positives, Blockaid maintains this is preferable to missing actual threats, citing a very low rate of false alarms compared to the volume of transactions processed. However, cybersecurity experts like Bernhard Mueller warn that evolving malware, like "Angel Drainer," could still potentially circumvent such security measures, although tests have shown that Blockaid's system can still flag these advanced tactics as suspicious.