Demex Integrates With OKTC, A Leading L1 Blockchain Network

Demex integrates with OKTC to bring on assets with the OKTC ecosystem to the Carbon ecosystem.

Demex Integrates With OKTC, A Leading L1 Blockchain Network

Demex, a cross-chain DEX platform, has partnered with OKTC (OKT Chain) to enable the use of $OKT and $OKB assets on the Nitron money market. The integration of these assets is set to enhance the utility and trading experience for token holders in the OKTC ecosystem.

About Nitron

Nitron is a cross-chain permissionless money market that offers money markets from assets from various chains, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, and so on. It is one of the most extensive money markets in the crypto space.

About OKTC (OKT Chain)

OKTC is an EVM-compatible L1 blockchain network built on Cosmos. It focuses on true interoperability and maximized performance, allowing developers to build and scale with low gas fees. Its all-in-one multi-chain Web3 interface offers a seamless experience for developers and users.

Demex x OKTC Collaboration

With this integration, Demex will whitelist $OKT and $OKB as collateral on the Nitron money market. Users can lend their $OKT and $OKB assets on Nitron to achieve maximum yield. OKTC may offer incentives to encourage participation and earn additional incentives.

Users who are bullish on $OKT and $OKB tokens can now lend them out on Nitron and earn passive income on them through lending APY. Additionally, they can borrow against them to unlock more capital.


This integration between Demex and OKTC will bring about a closer and stronger synergy between the Cosmos and OKTC ecosystem. It will have a positive impact on the DeFi industry, and more innovative solutions are expected in the future. Demex welcomes potential collaborations to further develop the DeFi ecosystem.