Tokenopoly: Collecting Real-World Assets, the Crypto Way

In a nutshell, we've explored turning real things into digital tokens, opening up exciting investment possibilities. As reality merges with the digital realm, accessibility and investment options expand. The future promises even more growth and innovation in the world of tokenized real assets.

Tokenopoly: Collecting Real-World Assets, the Crypto Way

In the vast sea of cryptocurrencies, you've got a variety of tokens - OGs, alt tokens, NFT tokens, liquid staked tokens, meme tokens, and the list goes on. But what's causing a stir in the waters lately? Real-world assets (RWAs). RWAs are like digital replicas of tangible assets, made possible by cryptography. These tokens reflect the real-time value and worth of assets such as properties, intellectual property, ETFs, and much more.

Source: Medium

Tokenization and its role in cryptocurrency

Tokenization, in the ever-changing world of cryptocurrency, is like turning real-world things into digital superheroes. Imagine your favorite action figure, let's say a mighty dragon, and now imagine transforming it into a special digital coin, where each scale, wing, and fire-breathing power is represented by a unique token.

Just as this digital dragon coin embodies the essence of the mythical creature, tokenization encapsulates the essence of real-world assets in the digital realm. It's like giving assets their own digital personas, making them easier to handle and trade in the cryptocurrency universe.

Think of a token as a magical badge that proves you own a slice of something significant, like a piece of a giant pizza. Just like you can share slices of pizza with friends, tokenization allows you to share ownership of valuable things, from real estate to works of art, with people around the globe. It's like breaking down a big, complex jigsaw puzzle into smaller, manageable pieces that everyone can enjoy and benefit from.

In the realm of cryptocurrency, these tokens are created using smart contracts, which are like the master spell books guiding how these tokens behave and interact. They ensure fair play and create trust among the token holders. Imagine a spell that says, "When someone transfers their dragon coin to another, it happens securely and instantly, just like magic."

Source: ChainLink

So, tokenization in cryptocurrency isn't just about turning tangible assets into digital versions; it's about democratizing ownership, making trading easier, and adding a sprinkle of digital magic to everyday investments.

Introducing real-world assets

Real-world assets are tangible and intangible properties with intrinsic value, owned or utilized in the physical world. These include real estate, commodities, intellectual property, and financial instruments like stocks and bonds. Tokenization in the cryptocurrency realm involves representing these assets digitally, enhancing accessibility, and creating new opportunities for ownership and investment.

Opening the doors to real-world assets

Tokenization is the key that unlocks the door to bringing real-world assets into the digital realm through cryptocurrency. It's like the perfect translator that helps our physical world communicate fluently with the digital universe. When we tokenize real assets—like real estate, precious metals, or pieces of art—we essentially create their digital versions, each represented by its unique token, making them easy to trade and own in the virtual world.

Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, serve as the fuel that powers this transformation. They act as the currency of this new digital realm, making transactions seamless and enabling global accessibility. Just like the dragon coin became the representation of the mythical creature, cryptocurrencies become the embodiment of value for these tokenized assets, making it feasible for anyone with an internet connection to own a piece of a grand painting or a share of a commercial building. It's an intersection of the physical and the digital, made possible by the tokenization and the power of cryptocurrency.

Benefits of Tokenizing Real-World Assets with Cryptocurrencies

a. Increased Liquidity and Accessibility

Tokenization brings the sparkle of liquidity to traditionally illiquid assets. Imagine turning a solid gold bar into smaller, tradeable gold coins—suddenly, it's easier to buy, sell, and trade fractions of that gold. Likewise, tokenizing real-world assets like real estate or art makes them accessible to a wider audience. You don't need to buy an entire building; you can own a token's worth, making investing more flexible and inclusive.

b. Fractional Ownership Opportunities:

Tokenization shatters the barriers to entry for high-value assets. It's like buying a piece of a delicious pie rather than the whole thing. Fractional ownership lets you spread your investment across a variety of assets. You can diversify your portfolio without a massive financial commitment, allowing more people to participate in markets they might have found out of reach before.

c. Enhanced Transparency and Security

Tokenization introduces a new level of transparency and security into asset ownership. The blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies, is like an open ledger for all to see. Every transaction, every ownership transfer, is recorded and cannot be altered. This instills trust and confidence in the asset's history and ownership. Additionally, smart contracts govern these transactions, automating processes and ensuring they're executed as agreed upon, enhancing security and reducing fraud risks.

d. Lower Transaction Costs and Faster Settlements

Traditional transactions involving real-world assets can be slow and costly due to intermediaries like banks, brokers, and legal systems. However, tokenization simplifies and speeds up this process. With cryptocurrency transactions, the need for many intermediaries diminishes, resulting in lower costs and faster settlement times. Imagine trading a piece of art with just a few clicks, settling almost instantly, and with minimal fees—an efficiency that traditional systems often lack.

Types of Real-World Assets Being Tokenized

Real Estate and Property

Several companies are involved in tokenizing real estate assets. For instance, platforms like RealtyShares and tZERO offer fractional ownership in real estate properties, allowing investors to purchase tokens representing a share of a property.

Art and Collectibles

Projects like Maecenas and Verisart enable the tokenization of artwork, allowing art enthusiasts to invest in shares of valuable art pieces. Each share is represented by a digital token, providing fractional ownership.

Commodities and Precious Metals

Companies like DigixGlobal tokenize gold on the blockchain. Each token represents a specific weight of gold, providing a secure and transparent way to invest in precious metals.

Intellectual Property

Companies like IPwe are working on tokenizing intellectual property assets such as patents. This allows inventors and creators to tokenize their intellectual property, enabling easier transfer of ownership and potential investment.=

Funds and ETFs

Platforms like Polymath facilitate the tokenization of traditional investment funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This opens up new possibilities for fractional ownership and trading of these assets.

Other Unique Assets (Luxury Items, Carbon Credits, Music Royalties)

Various projects are exploring tokenization in unique domains. For luxury items, platforms like Luxochain are working on tokenizing high-end products. For carbon credits, companies like Poseidon are exploring tokenization to enhance the transparency and traceability of carbon offset initiatives. Additionally, projects like Royalty Exchange are delving into tokenizing music royalties, allowing artists to tokenize their future earnings.

Prominent Real-World Asset Projects


OpenEden is a real-world asset protocol introducing their notable product, tBills. tBills offer a safe investment option for stablecoin holders, directly linked to U.S. Treasury Bills, providing exposure to a secure annual interest rate of around 5% as of March 2023. OpenEden aims to bridge traditional finance and the cryptocurrency world, ensuring compliance with regulations and ease of use for investors.

tBills, OpenEden's main product, has distinct features. It enables instant transactions 24/7 using smart contracts, making it more accessible compared to traditional finance with faster settlement times. OpenEden prioritizes regulatory compliance, aligning with established rules for a secure investment experience. Integration with Chainlink Proof-of-Reserves ensures real-time transparency, assuring investors of the legitimacy and safety of their investments.

Source: OpenEden

OpenEden has formed essential partnerships with regulated service providers, reputable banks, and legal experts to bolster the tBills product. Their regulatory-first approach and emphasis on transparency and user-friendliness contribute to the DeFi space, providing secure investment opportunities for stablecoin holders.

Maple Finance

Maple Finance is a significant lending protocol listed in the Bankless DeFi Innovation Index, highlighting important tokens in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). The Bankless DeFi Innovation Index helps people invest in DeFi projects while minimizing risk.

Maple Finance operates as a marketplace for institutional capital using blockchain technology. Its purpose is to improve traditional financial systems by moving the corporate credit market entirely to blockchain. This shift reduces delays and costs associated with borrowing money.

Source: Maple

In the real world, Maple Finance provides a way for experts to operate lending businesses on the blockchain. They serve three main groups: Borrowers, Lenders, and Pool Delegates. Borrowers get transparent and efficient financing, Lenders find reliable sources of income by lending to different crypto institutions, and Pool Delegates assess the creditworthiness of borrowers and manage loans. This system ensures smooth lending processes, aligning with the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.


Centrifuge is a decentralized finance (DeFi) lending protocol designed to revolutionize the traditional finance industry by incorporating real-world assets (RWAs) into the blockchain ecosystem. It aims to enhance accessibility to credit for small businesses while offering a stable yield for investors. The key component of Centrifuge's ecosystem is Tinlake, a decentralized application (dApp) that serves as a marketplace for tokenized real-world assets.

Through Tinlake, businesses can tokenize their tangible real-world assets, like invoices and mortgages, turning them into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These NFTs are then recorded on the blockchain, enabling businesses to use them as collateral for loans. Individual investors provide the capital for these loans, and in return, they earn yields through traditional business lending methods, providing a more stable investment opportunity compared to the volatility often seen in crypto markets.

Source: Centrifuge

This innovative approach opens up new avenues for small businesses to secure liquidity quickly and efficiently, a significant advancement in the real-world asset (RWA) industry. By bridging the traditional finance sector with blockchain technology, Centrifuge strives to democratize financial opportunities for both businesses and investors, creating a more inclusive and accessible financial landscape.


In a nutshell, we've explored turning real things into digital tokens, opening up exciting investment possibilities. Projects like tBills by OpenEden and Maple Finance lead the way, connecting tangible assets to the crypto world. As reality merges with the digital realm, accessibility and investment options expand. The future promises even more growth and innovation in the world of tokenized real assets, bridging traditional finance with the blockchain and revolutionizing the way we invest and own valuable assets.

Looking ahead, Demex is gearing up to list RWAs for trading spot, perps, lending, and borrowing, aiming to be the ultimate DEX destination!